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Historical Organizations
Here are sites belonging to different groups who study and reenact different periods of history.

Society for Creative Anachronisms A worldwide non-profit educational and recreational organization studying and recreating the Middle Ages and Renaissance.
Black Dragon Company The Black Dragon Company is a mercenary household in the East Kingdom of the SCA. Their site includes a list of articles, links, and information,as well as some fun and brag pages.

Angelcynn A living history society which aims to recreate, as authentically as possible, the richness of the birth of a nation which has passed into legend and into lore.

The Center for Medieval Studies Nonprofit group dedicated to keeping alive Medieval traditions, and educating schools and the public.

Knighthood, Chivalry & Tournament Resource Library A collection of writings/resources pertaining to knighthood, chivalry and 14th century tournament re-enactment. Sponsored by Chronique, Journal of Chivalry and the Company of Saint George.

Lion Rampant Medieval Display Society Group details, events, and information on re-enactments in general.

Marklnad, Ltd A Medieval Living History Group.

Medieval Battling Club A Sunday in the park with a broadsword. Medieval style combat for the modern age.

Medieval Centre An experimental museum and research center specializing in early technology.

Medieval Free Company A family based living history group portraying life in the time of the Wars of the Roses.

Realm of Chivalry, Inc. A social and educational medieval living history organization based on the precepts of chivalry and honor.

Regia Anglorum Anglo-Saxon, Viking, Norman and British living history, research and reenactment of the 10th/11th centuries.

The Seattle Knights Combine excellent equestrian skills, high-energy acting, and choreographed stage combat using real steel weapons.

Somerville Manor A medieval living history farm, exploring what life was like 700 years ago in Europe.

White Company A multinational High Medieval Pike and support unit.

WolfsHead Bowman A medieval re-enactment society based in 1066 country.

Academy of European Medieval Martial Arts Seeks to resurrect and formalize European medieval martial arts.

Adrian Empire Renaissance Re-Creation Society Live-steel medieval re-enactment society, dedicated to re-creating life, society and combat.

HACA – Historical Armed Combat Association A reource fo historical swordsmanship and medieval & renaissance martial arts.

Viking Age Club An international Viking/Norse historical club.

The Vikings A Norse film and pageant society; dark ages re-enactment.

Conquest A society of Anglo-Norman Living History dedicated to recreating the English history from the Battle of Hastings until the signing of the Magna Carta.